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Cooperation with OpenDataCity

von David Schraven


We just sealed a long-term strategic partnership with OpenDataCity. We’re very excited, thanks guys!

The programmers, engineers, and visualizers from OpenDataCity complete our work perfectly. When we acquire data, analyze the documents and piece them together, we need a way to transform these huge amounts of raw material – we’re talking about databases with over a million entries – into readable, usable, informative projects.

OpenDataCity can do just that. As a data-journalism agency, the team from ODC has an extensive knowledge of data analysis and visualization strategies. Their most successful projects include the visualization of the data retention of politician Malte Spitz (Germany), the first delay map in real-time of the Deutschen Bahn (for the SZ), a map with data traces of our internet use and the surveillance spots of international intelligence services (Prism), a research data base of political donations in Germany since 1994, as well as the platforms Lobbyplag and Lobbycloud, which make lobby influences in European politics transparent.

Time and time again, OpenDataCity has been honored internationally for its research, publications, and innovative form of online journalism. They have received the Grimme Online Award, the award of the Online-News-Association (ONA), the special silver price at the Lead Awards, and the World Summit Award for „Lobbyplag“. Marco Maas, the head of OpenDataCity, comments: „Financed by a foundation and sustainable, the approach of CORRECTIV is a perfect fit for our vision of journalism.“ The first joint project is set for fall. „The cooperation is long-term“, explains Maas. „We’re not aiming for rush jobs.“

We have known each other personally for a long time. To be able to work together on such an important project makes us happy.

Our offices at Singerstrasse 109 in Berlin are separated by two stories, but connected through a shared internet connection and coffee bar on the ground-floor.