After Armstrong: It’s time for football

The forced confession of Lance Armstrong (the full interview on YouTube) rised the awareness for doping in cycling another time. My projection: the last time. Now it could be the time to talk about doping in football.
Today I saw a couple of people asking about doping in football. „Does anyone around think football is free from doping?“, a German guy named @magischerfcblog asked on twitter and a German colleague of mine, @martingiesler, wrote: „So now is a good time to talk about doping in football. #armstrong“ Is it a good time? I think it is. has begun: In the morning they forged the bridge and compiled a lot of stuff about our topic in an interesting story. „Football has already missed too many chances to admit its problem.“ And later: „It is time for football to examine its practices throughout the decades and face up to its murky past.“
Over the last couple of days some German media wrote about the signing of Pep Guardiola at FC Bayern Munich and they wrote about Guardiolas past including two doping cases in 2001. There was, for example, an article by Johannes Aumüller at Süddeutsche Zeitung. Here is another German link with some background about the two doping cases in 2001 (via Hennes Roth).
Let’s hope for more interesting coverage on doping in football in the near future. There are a lot of reasons for such a reporting.