Did Fuentes deliver drugs to 2006 World Cup?
The Fuentes trial starts next Monday in Madrid. More and more media report on Fuentes' connections to football, which have been mentioned from time to time before. The british Telegraph yesterday wrote one more time about a trace which leads to the 2006 World Cup in Germany.

The Telegraph spoke to former German pro cyclist Jörg Jaksche. Jaksche said that Fuentes was very proud of his work for other sports. Jaksche mentioned again that German officials asked him, if Fuentes treated him in Frankfurt in 2006. „I said no because normally he would only go to Germany if there was a stage of the Tour de France there but I think the truth is in 2006 there was the soccer World Cup in Germany and the German police knew something about it but didn’t have the whole information“, the Telegraph quotes Jaksche.
Yesterday the German tv-magazine Sport Inside (on public tv-channel WDR) reported on the upcoming Fuentes trial. The responsible chief prosecutor Eduardo Esteban didn’t deny that there were athletes from other sports who got doped by Fuentes. Why are there no other athletes but cyclists mentioned in the 7700 pages of the investigation file? „I believe that the Guardia Civil did bring all evidence they had to the trial. But in their report only the athletes are mentioned whose clear involvement could be proven: The cyclists.“
Sport Inside describes again how often and from how many sources it has been confirmed that professional football players had been doped by Fuentes. The reporter speaks to Fuentes’ lawyer Julian Perez Templado who doesn’t want to say anything about the clients of Fuentes. Including a possible appeal the trial may last until the midst of 2014. Probably there will be no further evidence revealed by the spanish justice system linking footballers to Fuentes.