
Frida Thurm

Reporter CORRECTIV.Europe
Reporterin CORRECTIV.Europe

Frida joined CORRECTIV.Europe as a reporter in October 2024. Prior to that, she was the editorial lead of the socio-political section of Zeit Online, where she worked as a journalist for over ten years. She was awarded with the Coburg Media Award and nominated for the Reporter Award. Frida political science in Berlin and Amsterdam, completed her training as a journalist at Henri-Nannen-School of journalism in Hamburg. Interests: How political and economic forces shape people’s daily lives – and what structural problems need to be addressed.

Frida Thurm ist seit Oktober 2024 Reporterin bei CORRECTIV.Europe. Zuvor verantwortete sie das Gesellschaftsressort von Zeit Online und war dort mehr als zehn Jahre Redakteurin. Für ihre Arbeit wurde sie mit dem Coburger Medienpreis ausgezeichnet und für den Reporterpreis nominiert. Sie hat in Berlin und Amsterdam Politikwissenschaft studiert und in Hamburg die Henri-Nannen-Schule absolviert.

E-Mail: frida.thurm(at)

Untitled Artwork
Heating Cost

“I’m always cold”

47 million people in Europe cannot afford to heat their homes in winter, according to an analysis by CORRECTIV.Europe. Millions are also affected in Germany. Experts warn this may lead to social conflict.

Smoking roofs in winter
Energy Price

EU states not prepared for new carbon pricing

Carbon pricing for transport and heating fuels is to be introduced across the EU from 2027. But several countries are now questioning the rapid phase-out of fossil fuels – which could mean even higher costs in the long term. “We are sleepwalking towards a political disaster,” social democratic MEP Thomas Pellerin-Carlin warns.