Our community of donors allows us to do independent journalism. We’re also inviting our donors to help us in our investigations and provide information on interesting issues and feedback.
Several thousand people are part of our community. They ensure our independence and help us to uncover injustices and abuses of power, and we are very grateful for their support. Many of them also wish to make a contribution that goes beyond financial support. We are particularly pleased about this because we engage in journalism for the benefit of society, and thus, for you. Every active participation contributes to educate society.
We seek to dialogue and provide insight into our work. We want you to tell us what you expect from CORRECTIV, what is important to you and what we can do better. In this way, we will be able to further improve our work. We also invite you to share your experience and expertise with us, discuss with us and cooperate with us. In some projects, citizens can participate locally in our crowd investigations or in subsequent discussions on the result of the published disclosures. We also share ideas or investigation approaches with you and ask for feedback.
We want to create spaces for exchange and discussion for our community – both online and offline. The CORRECTIV Community is being designed with your wishes and ideas, it will change and grow, and we will continue to expand it together. But we also want to promote local exchanges and develop event formats to get in touch with our community throughout Germany.
Would you also like to support our work financially? Your contribution will help to secure the independence of CORRECTIV in the long term. Learn more here.