Job posting: Freelance Developer Frontend / Backend
part time, freelance for 2 month, Berlin/Essen or remote
We are looking for a developer with a passion for civic tech and open source technology to support the noFake team at CORRECTIV as a freelancer. Preferably you would start in September, initially for a period of two months with up to two days per week. Further assignments are likely and to be negotiated.
The project is affiliated with CORRECTIV.Faktencheck and wants to enable civil engagement against ‘fake news’. The project team is building a community of voluntary fact-checkers who shall debunk misinformation on the crowd-platform CORRECTIV.Faktenforum. And to build this platform, we need you: You will support the project’s lead developer and UX designer in launching the prototype of the platform Faktenforum. The MVP shall include a login screen for users and a task manager to submit and archive potential false news. More functionalities to check and refute the submissions will be added in further phases of development.
Your profile:
- Proficiency in Typeskript as well as in at least one JS Framework, with a preference for Vue 3
- Experience with complex web apps and platforms
- experience designing a REST API interfacing with micro-services and a knowledge of backend frameworks would be welcome
- Proficiency in English
If this opportunity sounds attractive to you, please reach out to Caroline Lindekamp and share your CV, salary expectations and a link to your portfolio or work samples (e.g. Gitlab/Github links).
Contact person:
Caroline Lindekamp, Project Lead noFake