The Heartland Lobby
An undercover investigation from CORRECTIV reveals how the American Heartland Institute is supporting climate change deniers in Germany with the goal of undermining climate protection measures.
Benjamin war von 2017–2023 die multimediale Allzweckwaffe bei CORRECTIV und leitete das Design-Team. Zuvor arbeitete er im Verlagswesen, in der Marktforschung, im digitalen Marketing und gründete in Berlin einen Coworking Space für Künstler.
Seine Arbeiten für CORRECTIV wurden u.a. mit dem Grimme Online Award, dem Helmut Schmidt Journalistenpreis, dem Deutsch-Französischen Journalistenpreis und dem Otto Brenner Preis für kritischen Journalismus ausgezeichnet.
E-Mail: benjamin.schubert(at)correctiv.org
Website: http://benjamin-schubert.com
An undercover investigation from CORRECTIV reveals how the American Heartland Institute is supporting climate change deniers in Germany with the goal of undermining climate protection measures.
Sanctions are the main weapon of the West in the Ukraine conflict. But their effectiveness remains an open question. We’re providing daily updates on which embargoes are imposed on whom and answering your most important questions.
Un negocio brutal: intermediarios alemanes usan prácticas dudosas que convierten a las enfermeras extranjeras en una mercancía
The abuse of painkillers is a major issue in football. A year-long investigation. Interviews with over 150 people, including players, doctors and experts. A survey with more than 1,100 participants from German amateur football leagues. The #KickonPills investigation by CORRECTIV and the ARD Doping Editorial Team sheds light on a system that sidelines health for wealth.
In a near-repeat of the CIA’s ‘extraordinary renditions’, the regime of Turkish president Erdoğan is kidnapping dozens of members of the Gülen movement from around the world. Victims are now raising a serious accusation: secret torture sites are part of the repression. A team of nine media organizations from eight countries, coordinated by CORRECTIV, investigates.