openTTIP – Share your comments
The published drafts of the planned TTIP chapters give us the opportunity to understand and make an impact on the free trade agreement. We invite both experts and the public to leave public comments on the TTIP-drafts on our openTTIP site.

The top secret TTIP drafts are now available for everyone. We want to take the opportunity and assess with you the positions of the US and the EU and what should be improved. So that everyone sees what TTIP is all about – because, if concluded, TTIP will change our future.
13 out of 24 planned chapters were first released in May as the #TTIPLeaks. We now want to take a step forward combining the knowledge, criticism and suggestions that we´ve collected. We think, this should have been done by the governments in the first place. Now, we created a tool for everyone involved to leave their comments and contribute suggestions.
We invite you to make TTIP more transparent. We would be glad if you would register with your name and organization. You can easily leave your comments on the TTIP chapters here:
- National Treatment and Market Access for Goods
- Agriculture
- Cross-Border Trade in Services
- Electronic Communications
- Government Procurement
- Customs and Trade Facilitation
- Regulatory Cooperation
- Technical Barriers to Trade
- Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
- Competition
- Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
- State-owned Enterprises
- Dispute Settlement (State to State)
For the annotations we use the OpenSource software Here is a short tutorial: