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Oliver Schröm new editor-in-chief at CORRECTIV

von David Schraven


We are pleased to announce Oliver Schröm will join CORRECTIV as the new editor-in-chief.

In 2012, Schröm and senior reporter David Schraven developed the concept for and subsequently founded​​ CORRECTIV. For various reasons, Oliver could not join the initial CORRECTIV team. However, he has always been involved in our project including most recently as chairman of our Board of Trustees.

Oliver is one of the premiere investigative journalists in Germany. After completing his traineeship at local newspaper Heidenheimer Zeitung, he spent time in the United States working at the Center for Investigative Reporting. Oliver then worked producing investigations for German weekly newspaper Die Zeit as well as for ZDF magazine Kennzeichen D. In 2010, he established the investigative team of Stern and managed it before moving to the ARD magazine Panorama. Oliver is known for his work investigating fraud in the German cancer drug industry, an investigation which was performed in cooperation with CORRECTIV.

We are very excited to have such an experienced colleague join our team as the new editor-in-chief.