
The Amazon machine
Amazon sends millions of parcels before Christmas in Germany. Powering the logistics giant is a system built on pressure and surveillance.

The Gazprom-Lobby
How Russia enlisted German politicians, business leaders and lawyers to ensure German dependence on Russian gas.

Lawsuit Against Former Pope Benedict in Abuse Scandal
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. may have to stand trial in a secular court over an
abuse scandal in the Catholic Church.

The European network of corona-deniers
Since the beginning of the pandemic, corona-deniers have been trying to build an international network. But how well connected are they really ?

Barriers to abortion in Germany
Humiliation, lack of information and denied aftercare: Hundreds share their experiences getting an abortion in Germany

Sanctions Tracker – Live monitoring of all sanctions against Russia
Sanctions are the main weapon of the West in the Ukraine conflict. But their effectiveness remains an open question. We’re providing daily updates on which embargoes are imposed on whom and answering your most important questions.

CumEx Files 2.0 – The outrageous tax fraud goes on
It’s the biggest tax heist in history. Three years after publishing the first CumEx Files, an international media collaboration led by CORRECTIV exposes how taxpayers worldwide were cheated out of €150 billion. An insider reports on cross-border deals, financial experts warn of continued tax fraud and authorities refuse responsibility.

An unsettling business: how agents are commoditizing foreign nurses for German healthcare

Grand Theft Europe
Fraudsters are every year robbing Europe’s citizens of €50 billion in tax money. A Europe-wide investigation by 63 journalists from 30 countries, coordinated by CORRECTIV.

CORRECTIV.Faktencheck’s Data Analysis: Facebook and Youtube Are the Most Important Platforms for False Information
Where do people come across false information on the Internet and how do they spread it? An evaluation of the data for 2020 from our CrowdNewsroom shows what role the big tech companies play.

The Heartland Lobby
An undercover investigation from CORRECTIV reveals how the American Heartland Institute is supporting climate change deniers in Germany with the goal of undermining climate protection measures.

Ratzinger and the Pedophile Priest
A priest convicted of sexually abusing children says that, on a winter day, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger is standing on his doorstep. Now, an investigation conducted by CORRECTIV and Frontal21 reveals the ties of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI with the priest. The stories shared by alleged victims who came forward during the investigation show how the Catholic Church’s prosecution of sexual abuse within its own ranks is insufficient.

A Kick On Pills – Painkillers in Football
The abuse of painkillers is a major issue in football. A year-long investigation. Interviews with over 150 people, including players, doctors and experts. A survey with more than 1,100 participants from German amateur football leagues. The #KickonPills investigation by CORRECTIV and the ARD Doping Editorial Team sheds light on a system that sidelines health for wealth.

The President and the Arms Dealer
A story of international arms deals – and expensive gifts in Berlin. A CORRECTIV investigation with public broadcaster ZDF’s Frontal21 and Stern magazine.

Frontex: watching the watchers
Shortly before the European elections, the EU rushed through a reform of the border agency Frontex. The agency is becoming more powerful than ever. Hardly anyone can control whether the agency respects basic rights of refugees. Whether or not it really tries to save lives at sea. Nonetheless, transparency activists try their best – in their very own way. A joint investigation with the ARD magazine Report Munich.

Black Sites Turkey
In a near-repeat of the CIA’s ‘extraordinary renditions’, the regime of Turkish president Erdoğan is kidnapping dozens of members of the Gülen movement from around the world. Victims are now raising a serious accusation: secret torture sites are part of the repression. A team of nine media organizations from eight countries, coordinated by CORRECTIV, investigates.

In the hands of the mafia
Italy is a leading exporter of tomatoes, raking in billions of euros every year. The workers in the fields earn very little. Sexual abuse of female workers is widespread. Compared to Spain and Morocco, their situation is worse as the mafia is holding a tight grip on the region’s labour.

The dark side of Morocco’s booming agricultural exports
Just like in Spain, female workers on Morocco’s fruit and vegetable fields are subject to wide-spread sexual abuse. But in one aspect, their situation is different.

Rape in the fields
Harassed, insulted and raped – that is everyday for thousands of women working in tomato and strawberry fields of Spain, Italy and Morocco. The vegetables and fruits they harvest are sold in German supermarkets and all over Europe. First part of our investigation of workers’ sexual abuse in Spain, Morocco and Italy.