Lego bricks for Ai Weiwei
Danish toy maker Lego declines to supply Ai Weiwei with its bricks. The Chinese artist is not supposed to use them in political art. So we are filling in. Let's send thousands of bricks to Ai Weiwei.

Lego refuses to deliver its bricks to the Chinese artist Ai Weiwei. The Danish company says its toys should not be used for political statements.
But we think everybody – including children – should be able to learn how politics work. The simpler knowledge can be passed on, the better. Lego pieces are a great tool for political education.
Lego said it respects the right of freedom of creative expression and does not censure or ban the use of its toys. It said in a statement to the British newspaper The Guardian that it is dedicated to delivering great creative play experiences and refrains from engaging in the use of Lego bricks in a political context.
We think that Lego rather does not want to get into trouble with the Chinese autocrats in order to reap profit in China. Ai Weiwei’s request for a bulk shipment of bricks is a risk to this business. Ai Weiwei is well known for criticizing the state of things in China and testing the limits of freedom of expression.
Ai Weiwei has published a picture of Lego bricks in a toilet. „Everything is awesome“, he wrote. The artist is currently living in Europe. He is chronically ill after his long detention in China.
We’re collecting Lego bricks for Ai Weiwei at our office in Berlin:
CORRECTIV, Singerstr. 109, 10178 Berlin
We will send all bricks on to Ai Weiwei. We’re supporting freedom of expression even if it takes Lego bricks to do so.
Art can not be stopped, just because a company does not want to supply its toys.