About us
Our mission
Investigative. Independent. Non-profit.
Investigative journalism stands at the heart of CORRECTIV. Our reporters conduct long-term investigations in the public interest and uncover systematic abuses, corruption and unethical behavior.
Our investigations are characterized by depth and factual accuracy. This is more important than ever in a digital society and today’s globalized world. Whether it is tax fraud, illegal party financing or intentional fake news – we want to make visible where power is being abused. In doing so, we always keep an eye on the global dimensions of corruption, exploitation and the undermining of democratic processes. With our investigations, we bring important issues into public discourse.
As a non-profit organization, we are convinced that independent journalism should not only be available behind pay barriers. Our content is free for everyone, so that citizens can play an informed role in our pluralistic society.
CORRECTIV is supported by private donors and grants from foundations and institutions. Thus, our journalism is not driven by quotas, advertising or politics, but oriented towards citizens instead.
Together for an informed society

Achieving more together
For us, other media and organizations are not competitors, but partners. We think in collaborative structures, nationally and internationally. Jointly, we can uncover more hidden stories, inform the public more comprehensively and achieve a greater impact.
We initiate investigations which we make available to cooperation partners or directly conduct joint investigations with them. Nowadays, we have numerous cooperation partners in Germany, but also around the world. This allows for complex projects that classic editorial teams would hardly be able to handle on their own.
We are always open to new cooperations – be they local or international, new investigation methods and new forms of publication. We want to engage with readers, investigate and learn together.
Our impact
Since its foundation in 2014, CORRECTIV has been awarded more than 30 prizes for its journalistic work. These include the Grimme Online Award, the Nannen Award, the Helmut Schmidt Journalism Award, the Otto Brenner Award for Critical Journalism and the Franco-German Journalism Prize. In addition, there are numerous nominations. We are pleased our work is being appreciated.
Transparency about finances and supporters
CORRECTIV operates on a non-profit basis and is focused on the common good. Our journalistic work is freely available to everyone, as is a wide range of our educational offerings. We get by without advertising revenue, restrictive paywalls or subscription models, but instead are financed through a three-pillar model. A balanced mix of these pillars avoids dependencies. In combination with full transparency of our finances as well as comprehensive editorial statutes, the greatest possible independence is guaranteed.
Private Donations
With large and small donations and regular contributions, thousands of readers make our work possible. This financial basis strengthens us in the long term.
Institutional support
Foundations, institutions and companies committed to the values of a democratic society enable us to implement ongoing and new projects.
Our own income
As an example, book sales or investigation workshops provide us with additional funds for our non-profit work through our own efforts.
Frequently asked questions
Our Team
- More than 60 members of staff from a wide variety of areas realize our goals.
- Olaya Argüeso Pérez and Justus von Daniels are our editors-in-chief.
- David Schraven and Jeannette Gusko lead CORRECTIV as managing directors.
- We are based in Essen, have an editorial office in Berlin and work with local and international partners.
- Several bodies consisting of a board of trustees, the supervisory board and the ethicscouncil advise us and monitor our work.
Please feel free to contact us at any time with any comments, questions or suggestions. We look forward to hearing from you.
You can also remain anonymous and send us information or documents via our anonymous mailbox.
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Follow our work on social media or by e-mail. This way, you can stay informed about our investigations and projects and get a quick insight into the topics we are dealing with.