Nursing Home Guide

Zur Schönen Aussicht


A while ago you could find data about this nursingh home on this page. Unfortunately, at the moment the AOK-Bundesverband will not provide us with an up-to-date dataset. That's why we have decided to no longer publish the out-of-date information on this website. We are working on providing you an update soon.

  • Zur Schönen Aussicht 3, 51580 Reichshof-Eckenhagen
  • 0151-55053355

Questions and complaints

If you want to inquire about this home you reach out to the Oberbergischer Kreis, der Landrat – Amt für Soziale Angelegenheiten – Aufsicht für Pflege- und Betreuungseinrichtungen or the MDK Nordrhein.

How you can get more information

This home is supervised by the Heimaufsicht (nursing home authority) Oberbergischer Kreis, der Landrat – Amt für Soziale Angelegenheiten – Aufsicht für Pflege- und Betreuungseinrichtungen.

We don't have report for this nursing home, but here is an example of how it looks like in your state.

The supervision authority makes their reports available here. If you can't find it, ask below.

Request your report with

Click here to request reports from the local Heimaufsicht

What questions should you ask? Where should you go to find help? Our reporters have a lot of tips and contacts to aid you in your search for a good nursing home, including a checklist with the ten most important points you should consider. This text is available in German.

Your guide to choosing a nursing home

About this investigation

We investigated issues with the infrastructure of the nursing homes since the beginning of 2015. We talked to hundreds of people and analyzed data from all transparency reports in Germany.

You can find our full research in German here.

You can find some of our research in English here.


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